Marc Reid's latest book provides a variety of tools and models to assist the coach, mediator, line manager or whoever is supporting the process of conflict resolution. The 30 tools are a varied selection including well-known models, some lesser known ones and tools developed by the author.
The book is available in ebook, paperback and hardback format and can be purchased from Amazon here.
When work colleagues are in conflict it is not only painful for them but damaging to those around them and for the organisation as a whole. Early intervention helps to minimise the harm caused. This book provides a variety of tools and models to assist the coach, mediator, line manager or whoever is supporting the process of conflict resolution. The tools are grouped into four areas:
Analysing conflict – understanding the causes of conflict and how it escalates
Building self-awareness – helping those in conflict to understand themselves better
Supporting communication – tools to improve future communication
Managing process – supporting the process of conflict resolution
The 30 tools range from models that are already widely used through to frameworks the author has developed as part of his own research and practice of conflict resolution. Each tool is illustrated with a full colour pictorial representation, designed to be visually attractive, impactful and easily comprehensible.

Purchase of the tool images
High resolution versions of the colour images used in the book to illustrate each model can be purchased as a pdf download here. You may use the tools for training, coaching and other educational use provided the source and design are attributed.
Feedback on the book
Comments from leading mediators, coaches and HR professionals:
Cases relating to conflict in the workplace are increasing, and so is the need to effectively spot and manage these situations, which often falls to managers. This book is perfect if you would like to understand what conflict looks like, how to better manage it and what to do when it escalates. Marc’s understanding of people when conflict occurs is invaluable and would certainly help people and businesses alike. Natalie Ellis, HR Consultant and Director, Rebox HR
A really comprehensive book for workplace mediators old and new. The format is clear and easy to follow and descriptions of how to use the tools are very clear. It includes both formal and informal approaches which may particularly appeal to HR professionals. It also includes some old favourites like the Karpman Drama Triangle while introducing some lesser known models like the Betari Box. A great addition to any mediation toolkit. Martha Clarke, Workplace Mediator, ClarkeMediationUK
Marc cuts through the myriad of theories providing user-friendly snapshots of precisely what you need to know in a way that appeals to all learning styles. By structuring each section with theory and direction to further reading, alongside advice on how to apply each tool, he has succeeded in producing a highly practical book, the like of which I have not found elsewhere. Whether you are starting as a mediator, find yourself accidentally mediating in your day job or are a seasoned resolution professional like me, this book is a must-have. Highly recommend. Marie Coombes, Workplace Mediator of the Year 2020, We Restore Calm
In his latest text, Marc Reid has offered an abundance of models and frameworks which will help people and organizations to manage conflict effectively. I was impressed with the scale of the text and the extensive compendium of practical and theoretical models which Marc has managed to draw together. He brings them to life with colourful images and clearly presented text, including practical advice and guidance. The book is suitable for anyone who has an interest in managing conflict better and it will be an invaluable resource for managers, HR professionals and mediators. Well done Marc for creating an outstanding piece of work! David Liddle, CEO of The TCM Group & President of The Institute of Organizational Dynamics
An excellent book for the HR practitioner, or indeed anyone who has to deal with any type of conflict in or outside work. Marc has pulled together a fantastic array of models which are clearly and simply laid out making it easy to dip in and find help for any particular challenge. Jane Crowther, Director of Corporate Services, Historic Royal Palaces
And I thought I knew quite a lot about conflict management! This book is like a treasure chest for HR professionals and line managers. I found the section on invasive and evasive red flag indicators of early signs of conflict particularly insightful and conclude that if it was essential reading for both line managers and HR professionals, working life would be so much easier, happier and productive for everyone, so it comes with an unreserved recommendation from me. Marc’s expertise and generosity in sharing these 30 practical tools to prevent (I really like this angle of the book) and resolve workplace conflict as well as the thoughtful and consistent structure including a very practical ‘how to’ section make it easy for us busy professionals to access and use quickly. Marjory Mair, Leadership and Team Learning Coach, Marjory Mair Associates
The practical and informal style of this book makes it ideal for managers and HR professionals at all stages of their career. I found the “top tips” particularly helpful and was grateful to the author for sharing these pearls of wisdom. Conflict is always stressful for all those involved but with the tools shared within this book there is an opportunity to quickly find a positive solution. Martha Desmond, Director of People, DEBRA UK
This book pulls together 30 essential practical tools for dealing with workplace conflict into one handy source, a mixture of well known, traditional approaches and some lesser known or developed by the writer from his own vast experience. It is essentially a toolbox of methods to prevent, manage and resolve conflict. Written in a clear and easily accessible manner, with colourful diagrams to illustrate each tool, this book will be invaluable to individuals in dispute as well as third parties assisting in resolution of the conflict such as HR, managers and mediators. As a workplace mediator, I have found a new and extended toolbox and as a mediator trainer, I will be recommending this book to my workplace mediation trainees. Emma McAndry, Workplace, Civil and Commercial Mediator and Mediation Trainer, Essential Mediation Solutions
The book is extremely well constructed and will prove an invaluable resource for mediators, coaches and HR professionals. It is easy to navigate, and I especially liked the “top tips” for each tool. Also, the cross-referencing to complimentary tools was useful. Each section was clear, concise and insightful. Rebecca Ireland, Partner (Employment) and Workplace Mediator, gunnercooke llp
Marc's latest book provides a whole box of tools to dip into and to choose what feels right for the situation and for your role in resolving it. He has designed some of the tools himself and has also drawn on other experts to give a range of diagnostic and solution-focussed options. The format is well-indexed and easy to dip into and each tool has a helpful diagram to accompany the text for those of us who like themes in picture format. In many ways I hope that you never need this book because you'll be able to spot conflict early and deal with it before it becomes big enough to be a real problem rather than an inconvenience. Even if that is the case, you'll still find Marc's book useful for helping you build self-awareness and for developing your communication style. I love this sort of easy-access book. Make sure you have one in your management toolbox! Adrian Wheatley, Coach and Facilitator
As an interpersonal conflict mediator who loves practicable, memorable, evidence-based tools, I know that this excellent book is not going to leave my desk! From his vast experience as a mediator, along with a gifted instinct for human psychology, Marc Reid has curated the absolute best practice in conflict resolution, and presented it in clear, concise ways that mediators, HR professionals, managers, frontline staff, individuals and families alike can work with. I know the colourful mnemonic tools will help me empower my mediation clients to absorb and apply resolution concepts more swiftly and sustainably than ever. I sense this book will become an invaluable go-to resource for anyone in conflict resolution and people services. Arabella Tresilian, Accredited Mediator, Arabella Tresilian Mediation and Training
Practical tools for managers to support staff in conflict and understand a pathway to resolution. The models are so relevant to people management today and will make a real difference for managers. An invaluable resource for all team leaders. Lesley Healey, Director, People at Work
In my experience as an HR Manager, if conflict can be nipped in the bud and never reach the stage of a formal grievance, there is a real chance to maintain productive relationships. I have witnessed too many times that once a formal grievance is raised, relationships break down, complaints escalate and good staff leave. It’s time consuming and costly. This book is a treasure trove of all the tools to help managers to deal with each situation before it gets to this stage. I highly recommend it. Heather Mills, HR Consultant, Duck Soup HR
I know Marc well, including how he practices his art as a mediator – he certainly knows his stuff and is eminently well qualified and experienced to write authoritatively about these tools. The book is laid out in a most helpful way making it easy to get the ‘juice’ out of each part, and the illustrations add to the usefulness of the book, capturing the tools nicely. I would definitely recommend this book for all people who aspire to or are actually practicing in conflict resolution. There’s lots to learn from what Marc says, and even if you know some of the tools, his ‘angle’ on each one adds another dimension of time-served wisdom for your lifelong learning journey. Julian Evans, Chartered Manager and Business Psychologist, Littleton Evans
Marc’s expertise in mediation and conflict is second to none and for him to share his expertise and knowledge in this book is like having Marc on tap! As a Leadership coach, self awareness and communication are two topics that I work with a lot, and helping leaders to navigate the difficult conversations and conflict, so I am always keen to add tools to my coaching toolkit and there are a number of tools in this book that I will definitely use. Thanks Marc for your generosity and sharing your wisdom in this book – great for dipping in and out of, so one I shall be keeping close to hand. Sian Perham, Leadership Coach, Aligned Leadership
This is an excellent practical and insightful guide to conflict resolution tools. Having participated in Marc’s workshops I knew it would be good and it is extremely good! Having access to so many tools in one place and so well organised makes it easy to find the right thing when you need it and the graphics and explanations of how to use the models as well as the top tips make it all very accessible. I know this will become a mainstay for both my coaching and facilitation work. Ruth Cane, Career and leadership coach and facilitator
This book is an invaluable resource for leaders and people professionals, providing a comprehensive range of tools and models to resolve disagreements and stop things escalating. All in one place. It’s a fantastic reference and practical guide for anyone who supports individuals and workplaces to improve the way they communicate and manage conflict. I’ll be dipping into it on a regular basis. Michelle Bailey, Chair of CIPD Thames Valley Branch
I am delighted with this new book which is a wonderful collection of training aids for new mediators. But. It’s much more than that, it’s a resource for anyone interested in resolving conflict. The models are easy to follow Marc provides full and clear instructions as well as short snippets of best uses. I will be using some of the new ones in future training sessions and recommending this book to all 70 volunteer community mediators at THMP (Tower Hamlets Mediation Project). Irene Grindell, Manager THMP providing free community mediation for all residents in LBTH
Really well written and definitely something that mediators will find useful in their toolkit. Pete Colby, Director & Lead Mediator, PRAGMATISM (UK) Ltd
Marc has successfully gathered together a very comprehensive tool kit of conflict management models. The models are clearly explained with useful examples of how they apply in practice. They help to understand how conflicts arise, what to focus on when seeking to resolve as well as some models on approaches to resolution and all with top tips along the way. Alison Love, Managing Director, Resolution At Work