diy mediation
online training
a simple way to learn diy mediation
The online learning series gives you what you need to know in short, easy to follow videos with additional downloadable tools to make DIY Mediation even easier to use.
The series comprises short learning videos in two sections:
About Conflict: What it is, why it matters, recognising conflict, conflict styles and resolution options
DIY Mediation: Key Skills - the four key skills needed to apply the DIY Mediation approach, and the AGREE model - the 5 stage resolution process.

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When you buy the DIY Mediation Online Learning series you have access to:
A series of 15 bite-sized learning videos lasting 5 to 10 minutes each
Video demonstrations of the AGREE model in action for each of the 5 Agree stages
Additional support tools:​
downloadable quick reference guide to the AGREE model
downloadable template AGREE meeting forms
spreadsheet based cost of conflict calculator app
Conflict style assessment
Question set and sample agreement
Watch this short video to give you an overview of what the series covers and see extracts from some of the learning videos.
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Purchase our DIY Mediation online training / tools.
DIY Mediation
55£Online Training Programme including DIY Mediation ToolsÂDIY Mediation Tools
17£Tools that support DIY mediationÂ