online mediation
Workplace conflict resolution through online mediation
We ideally like to bring people together to do mediation but sometimes that is just not possible. Participants may be in geographical locations which prevent them meeting up for instance. This does not stop us mediating as we can offer ONLINE MEDIATION where participants and the mediator meet using videoconferencing.

Online Mediation Process
The process we use is the same as for face to face mediation but we meet remotely using ZOOM, one of the most popular and widely used videoconferencing tools.
After the initial referral the mediator will meet with the participants separately either by phone of by Zoom videoconference.
If both participants are willing to proceed we arrange a mediation session via Zoom.
Participants are sent details of how to log in to the Zoom mediation meeting.
On the day of the mediation meeting, the mediator will manage the process, meeting with both participants together or, at times, with them individually.
By the end of the process the mediator will type up the agreement reached, share it with the participants during the meeting and arrange for them to sign it.
And being remote from each other, in the comfort of their own surroundings, can even mean the mediation is less stressful than if it were taking place face to face.
If you would like to discuss online mediation then please contact us.